To Kill a Nation; and the Dog Didn't Bark - Remember?

To the several people who wrote concerning my 1986 (I wrote one similar for the Department of the Army in 1978) paper concerning a counter-attack by an individual against a United States intending to destroy him, here is a reprise in précis:
Parenthetically, and by way of elucidation, I was at that time recovering from bullet wounds inflicted by a federal sniper intent upon stopping my meetings or association with Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa and prospective testimony at hearings having to do with new legislation, legislation styled by the senator “Omnibus Taxpayers Bill of Rights.” A photo of my leg wound is here and on my website - and in my book “Letters to Aaron,” the Hal Luebbert Story.
I was, frankly, considering at the time ways to destroy you, and something I remembered from John Stuart Mill, was very important. “If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind.” If my country felt justified and meant to destroy me, why should I not be justified in destroying my country?
I decided to try a threat. Maybe they would search those records they were do damned intent upon keeping from you, the public, record of what they had taught me to do and now might use on you and them, and relent. It was worth a try, so I wrote and sent it to numbers of senators, congressmen, and news media. Didn’t hear about it did you? Think about that.
A relatively simple concoction of chemicals, placed in the appropriate containers and strewed across the mountain forests of the west by plane, could be configured to trigger when trees and vegetation reached tinder dryness. The result could be made to be and become a conflagration unlike any ever witnessed on the planet. Smoke would create to a degree the “nuclear winter” much spoken of during the Cold War, blocking out the sun. I had already decided then on a design for the pyrotechnic devices, and the one I have now is roughly ten times better.
As many as fifty chemical preparations might be compounded, then deposited in the nation’s rivers, killing not only everything in the river, but everything that bathed or drank from it. Were one to attack the Mississippi River system alone, a large part of the nation would die of resulting thirst and pestilence. If the preparation were radioactive – and it would not have to be anything as exotic and hard to come by as weapons grade uranium or plutonium; a physicist could find a dozen or more sources of such radioactivity – the effect would be even worse.
Several poisons, ones capable of preparation at home, are so toxic that a tiny amount deposited on one’s skin will kill him swiftly. One of these chemicals placed in the water system of a city would kill most of the people there before warnings could save them. After having visited several of the nation’s defense installations, I realized that most of them could be attacked that way, and neutralized.
(Try to remember that you and your government were trying to kill and destroy me. You were doing that utterly without cause except what you believe to be your brute power to do that; and, by the significant way, you will note that you were wrong).
A well conceived, prepared, and determined attack on the IRS would destroy your economy. The IRS is the beating heart of the system that enslaves millions, and critical to the corporations and military industrial complex that rules the nation. When individual members of the one hundred and fifty thousand man IRS complement began to be murdered and disappear, news of such would spread inevitably, inducing terror and ending their complicity in the wealth distribution control racket being run by the federal conspiracy of criminals. When large numbers of employees stopped coming to work, the system would die.
The Computer Age began for the IRS with the 1961 dedication of the National Computer Center at Martinsburg, West Virginia. I have been there many times, such that I know how destruction of the enormous computer employees there call “The Martinsburg Monster” (funny, the name – huh?) would also bring the nation’s tax collection system to its knees. With more than three hundred auxiliary computers slaved to it, the Monster is the brains and nervous system of the U.S. Government economic extortion racket. Destruction of the center, or sickness and/or death of all its employees would do likewise.
Incidentally, a dry run I ran on the place in 1985 made it very clear that my operations plan for an attack would be eminently and lethally successful. All that was necessary for penetration of the place’s vaunted security was compromise of one female employee. Both were a pleasure . . . (I could have used that word – penetration, I mean – twice there, couldn’t I?)
Anyone now aware of the power of a fully fueled jumbo-jet airliner knows how the nation’s economic life could be ended, besides. Al Qa’ida terrorist Mohammed Atta and his cohort were long on hatred, but short on tactical savvy. Maybe they’ll be smarter, next time.
Finally among the “Mongoose Trick” operations I am willing to discuss here – I’m still deciding whether I will take what my country did to me lying down – there is the nation’s helter-skelter cyber-technology system. Anyone observing the possibilities suggested by the Y2K scare of 1999 will realize what I mean. The possibility that computers might shut down when confused by the last two digests of the year 2000 demonstrated to anybody with half a brain what might happen, were a skilled cyber-expert to become angry enough to do what the protagonist and heroine of my novel, “Jonatha’s Truth” did there. Fortunately for the nation that was the U.S. in the book, Baron Han von Paulus was a knight, one bent only on bringing the mega corporations (like the oil companies whose lobbyist-legalized swindle of the public goes on at this very moment) to heel and restoring economic equity to the nation and its people.
There were, as I’ve already said, more than a dozen “U.S. American Freedom” ops. You don’t want to know them, because the government destroys people who know things like that. They tried with me, remember?
The fact is, it’s inevitable that one of these will happen. More, anyone observing either the callous disregard for the public’s safety as evidenced by deliberate refusal to stop illegal immigration from Mexico, or the brutal abandonment of the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, should realize that the government simply doesn’t care. Their interest is power, not public service, not the public’s protection, and certainly not sympathy or pity.
The dog guarding the World Trade Center Silver Blaze didn’t bark, remember?
The government conspiracy of criminals in Washington knows full well that any day now – maybe already, as a matter of fact - Al Qa’ida or operatives for another of the dozen nations who hate us with good reason will slip across our southern border or into our equally unguarded seaports to conduct an operation like those I’ve discussed here. Or worse – one of the ops plans I haven’t discussed. Millions will die, while the criminals complicit with the perpetrators remain safe in billion dollar redoubts like those I also discussed in my novel.
One last thing that ought, as Bill Cosby says “shake up your spine”: during operations against the government, I infiltrated one supposedly secure federal installation after another. Often, I left my calling card in the center of desk belonging to the highest security official there. Guess how many of these “public servants” reported their lapse? That’s right, none.
In the Land of the Fee, where job is important above all else – including your safety, obviously – no one dares admit a mistake. It can end a career, as the saying heard everywhere in corporate business and government goes. If you are vulnerable - and you are, terribly - it is because you are hopelessly dependent on things artificial and unreal, upon wealth and technological life support.
It may end a nation, too.
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