The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, In a World Without Cradles.

First, today, something for Jaime, whose question (what's wrong with letting people come here to work?) I've answered with all the obvious answers. While there may be people - undoubtedly, there will be those; there always are - who have racist motives, this matter has nothing to do with that. We don't let Mexican cattle come across the river, either, and that has nothing to do with their being Mexican; it has to do with disease, infection, and the like.
And by the way, if I happen to know about the races and cultures - let's say I'm an anthropologist - does that make me a "racist?" Cut the bullshit, folks - stop hiding behind a tired, hackneyed, and worn-out epithet.
Oh, and something else. Spanish is my second language, learned from the "bracero" migrant workers I worked among when I was twelve. A bracero foreman, Jesse Blanco, took me under his wing and taught me both Spanish and the love of Mexican food and culture I still have today. So, at least in that way, I'm as Hispanic as YOU are. That doesn't mean I can conveniently turn off my brain, or hide behind obvious falsehood and emotional claptrap.
And it's my turn with the questions - like how is it, if you really want to be a contributing citizen of Los Estados Unidos, that you wave the Mexican flag at every occasion, celebrate Mexican Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo, and cheer for the Mexican soccer and baseball teams when they play the United States? I don't know a single instance of anything like that among other U.S. Citizens of foreign birth or origin otherwise. And how do we know whether illegal aliens from Mexico pay more in taxes and contribute enough to the U.S. economy to offset the fiscal drain on it (The National Academy of Sciences found that the net fiscal drain on American taxpayers is between $166 and $226 a year per native household), if we have no way to know who and how many of you are here? How does a guy pay income taxes to the IRS without being found out as an illegal alien? How do we know how much illegal Mexicans earn yearly, and how much they send back to Mexico (I don't see signs in any language but Spanish in all the money order and money transfer stores; none quotes costs for money transfer to England, Germany, Japan, or the like, either)?
And one more: If you succeed, as all the "Aztlán" people so ardently desire, in turning the United States into Mexico, won't that mean more of the place where you can't make a living? Isn't Mexico like Mexico is because of Mexicans?
Answer me those things, and I'll join you, marching under the flag - not Mexico, mind you; the United States.
Which brings me to what REALLY worries me - the mess "America" has already become, and why. It seems to me, and I think history will say the same, that the people of the U.S. - the native born ones, that is - have devolved like the island birds of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Protected by surrounding water from predators, they have gradually lost under the forces of evolution the natural protection other birds have - their wings and the ability to fly.
And, parenthetically, if you haven't the smarts to recognize the forces of evolution in this world, don't bother me with your lunatic "thoughts." That poor, demented woman (who ordered her hosts to "obey god") on Hannity and Colmes last night ought to scare out of it anybody considering aligning himself with a fundamentalist church. That's if Muslims haven't already. Scared you, I mean. Somebody asked recently what insanity is; well, that's one kind - religion.
Anyway - the birds, I mean - "Americans" are like that. In their case, the protection provided them by nature has been intellect - brains. That we've lost that natural protection can nowhere be better illustrated than with the female "American." Living in a mechanized, technological, climate-controlled nursery built for her at length over centuries by the questing courage, daring ingenuity, and evolutionarily irresistible muscle of the male, and finally deprived concomitantly of both her respect for him together with her natural caution and common sense by a mind-numbing ideology called feminism, she is much like an island bird - the Dodo, for instance.
The story of the Dodo is interesting in its similarity to what we see everywhere these days, none more chillingly appalling than the recent surveillance camera recording of the rapist-murderer who simply walked up to his victim and seized her hand to lead her away. "In the year 1598, Portuguese sailors landing on the shores of the island Mauritius discovered a previously unknown species of bird, the Dodo. Having been isolated by its island location from contact with humanity, the Dodo greeted the new visitors with child-like innocence. The sailors mistook the gentle spirit of the Dodo, and its lack of fear of the new predators, as stupidity. They dubbed the bird "Dodo" (meaning something similar to a simpleton in the Portuguese tongue). Many Dodos were killed by the human visitors, and those that survived man had to face the animals being introduced to the island by visitors, dogs and pigs soon becoming feral when introduced to the Mauritian eco-system. By the year 1681, the last dodo had died."
Yeah, I know - god made the Dodo that way, and he made just that one island for the Dodo, too. Obviously, then, he didn't ever expect anybody to bring dogs or pigs there.
Does that - either that last or what I said before it - remind you of anything, anyone, today? Hardly a week passes - Fox, CNN, and their smut-peddling cohort elsewhere in the media see to that, thank you - without a lurid account of an "American" Dodo female having been picked off the streets like fruit from a tree, to be raped and left dumped like garbage - or the feathers and bones of their ornithological counterpart in nature, the flightless island birds. Sickening. Sickening that it happens; even more sickening in the REASON it happens.
And the "Liberated" (man, nothing in their bubble-headed oblivion flabbergasts me like their Malapropping use of language!) Female's nation and countrymen are much like she. Protected all but entirely from hostile invasion as well as the terrible devastation of war, it remains largely and as a practical matter oblivious to danger from without. Enormously obese, lazy (just the absurdity of the energy being wasted to cart human whales around, lest they have to walk a step or at all, or burned by human porkers driving their SUV in circles while waiting for a parking place directly in front of and close to the Wal-Mart, is staggering to consider), intent upon nothing but Falstaffian self-gratification, "America" stands defenseless like it did on 9-11, it's borders - just for instance - wide open. Fat-headed like the Dodo, agonizing lest we be other than correct politically, we debate and dither nonsensically and mindlessly on every issue. Paralysis by analysis, in a phrase. You'd die laughing if it weren't so damaging, so injurious, and so hideously portentous.
I recall how as a boy I heard an elder back home aver that if the Pentagon were assigned the task of building an outhouse (uh, you see, there weren't so many homes with running water then, and there was a little building . . . oh, never mind!), it would cost millions and be as big as the Pentagon. The border and illegal immigration is another "Pentagon outhouse." A simple law whereby persons hiring and employing illegal aliens would be fined one-quarter of their gross income, and persons failing to report an illegal alien were similarly fined or imprisoned, would end the matter and solve the problem simply and swiftly. As it is, the law that finally results, months or years later - and after a couple of million more aliens have ensconced themselves firmly where they cannot be detected - will be pages and pages long, filled with loopholes and politics-driven, demagogic nonsense.
Taxation is a similar matter. We can't even tell ourselves the truth about what it is, believing - choosing, it seems, to do so - instead that it has to do with funding government. Growing every year like fungus on steroids (or, these days, on account of irradiation by depleted uranium or fifty things similar dumped into the atmosphere by corporations rendered impervious to public control by corrupt lobbying), the Tax Code is a convolute jungle morass of incomprehensible and un-interpretable verbal nonsense and legal shibboleth. How anyone seeing what the government has produced with respect to its tax system can expect any rational solution for any of the many other problems we face for the future is completely beyond me. It's like handing the village idiot a project like the design and construction of the main street bridge.
"Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that didn't commit suicide." John Adams - remember?
Examples abound, the Keystone Kops opera that is the war in Iraq being just one, however vicious and painful. Still, the very recent and presently continuing history of the almost incredible (unless you've been here in the U.S. watching for a while, that is) process by which we have come to be in such an ineluctable mess might be expected by anyone who has seen the Tax Code; or watched the "American" female deliberately and seductively dangle herself in front of sexual predators who can toy with her like a cat a mouse; or followed the process by which a public has invested - by way of tax break, subsidy, and "oil depletion allowance" - $150,000,000,000 and $5,000,000,000 ( a year in the nation and world's oil companies, all in order to be gouged by the same on the excuse of oil shortages; or any of dozens more examples of the same kind of lobbying-promoted chicanery. Soft and decadent, almost mindless, the nation who only a few short decades ago was the envy of the world for its resourcefulness and know-how is now a nitwit Dodo bird, soon to become extinct. The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave has became the Land of the Fatheaded, Hen-pecked Wimp.
And that last brings me to my final observation here. When our Jeffersonian Democracy has slashed its wrists and breathed its last, it will have been the "American" male (oops - "male") who held the knife. This is your "metrosexual" fault . . . (I stared to say, "men" - you wouldn't make a pimple on a real man's ass). Were you not standing there silent and doing nothing, the nation's women wouldn't be offering themselves for degradation and use like toilet paper. Our children wouldn't be being abused sexually, by offenders who are again and again given their freedom and the opportunity to repeat their almost unspeakable atrocities by politically correct - i.e., humanist, liberalism, and feminism-cowed - courts. There is, of course, more - much more - a nation as great as this one once was doesn't commit suicide on a sword made up of so few elements. That we are, nevertheless, committing suicide, both personal or national, is the fault of the male U.S. Citizen.
Oh, nature will straighten it all out - she has her male and female creatures just where she wants them, thank you. As anyone who has lived in wilderness as I have knows, Mother Nature has little time for 'woman's rights' or political correctness (all provided in the first place by those male attributes I had reference to a minute ago, of course). When the terrestrial reason all this could have happened, oil, is gone, we will take a one-hundred year step backward. Power, energy, will mean muscle again, and those who have most of it will have their prerogatives (sorry, ladies; if you think historic male dominance was all that bad, wait until you face Mother Nature in the form of starvation and thirst - and, yes, rape - again).
It's infuriating, I know. Sad. It's even worse than it might be, had you not brought it on yourselves - and, by operation of that natural law I've been talking about, we on ourselves. "A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish." --John Stuart Mill, from On Liberty (1859).
But when the end does come, as it will very soon now, gentlemen, if will be your fault. Effeminized - "metrosexual," again - males like you didn't dominate and direct history as they did from the beginning because they were dominated by women. You let that happen; and, having deprived your country of its "balls," you have let it die.
You make me sick!
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