Lies and The Bush League's Schroedinger's Cat Reality

April 14, 2006:
Something else that makes my ass tired: People who say "issues" when they meant "trouble," "difficulty," "problem," or the like. The other day, a friend of mine who ought to know better said to me that a mutual friend "has pain issues!" People, an "issue" may be a question, point, or matter in dispute or discussion - a matter of concern, even. It may be what comes out of something - like an issue of water or blood. Bullshit may be an issue, too - like the "issue" of usage like this from minds fuzzied and stupefied by ideological movements like feminism.
Enough of that, but it's also part and parcel of what comes next, the surreal, Schroedinger's Cat reality we are forced to live in by government and its propaganda organ, the behaviorist media. The are so many examples it's bewildering and impossible even to summarize properly, so I will repair to an example. Suddenly, it seems, we've had an epiphany. The President is a liar. There were no WMDs, and when he publicly said they had been found back in May, 2003, he was lying. NOW we hearing it from the media!
Think about that; if you're still able, I mean. Start by asking yourself how in the hideous hell could you have believed this Nobel Prize for Lying in the first place? I've said this before here, but - obviously - it bears repeating. Lenin said a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth to an idiot; maybe that's true of truth, too.
We were told that Saddam Hussein both had "weapons of mass destruction" and that he was manufacturing them. He had bio-chemical, radiological munitions, he was trying to buy yellow-cake uranium for the nuclear program that would lead us to believe he had, and he had advanced ballistic missiles with which to deliver the WMDs. To quote the White House's statement on the latter,"Iraq has the most aggressive and advanced ballistic missile development program in the Arab world" and that it already had two modified versions of the Scud B - the Al Husayn and Al Abbas."
Now what I propose to repeat is what I've pointed out again and again, and again, and AGAIN since the President first used the WMDs for an excuse to attack Iraq. YOU DON'T PRODUCE WEAPONS LIKE THAT IN YOUR BATH TUB OR GARAGE! Go look at a refinery, a chemical plant, or a missile factory. You don't move or transport the damned stuff or things in the trunk of your car, and you don't hide them under the freaking bed. And if you're among the stupefied mass of people altered mentally enough to believe your fellows in that state who say everything was buried, ask yourself how the hell you would cover up a refinery without a site, project, and machinery at least as big as the refinery?
This nation has been boasting for most of my life about its ability to read a license plate on a car from outer space. We have spy satellites that detect radiation released by quantities of radioactive material as small as a baseball. WE'VE BEEN BOASTING ABOUT IT (when its to the government's advantage, that is) FOR YEARS! We've located and tracked underground rivers, even ones that aren't there anymore. When the government's cross-hairs were still tracking me, they tracked my RV by satellite, following a stripe of the material required and put there one night by a federal agent. It was eight feet long and one foot (not quite, actually) wide.
Your government can also listen to any phone call or electronic communication on earth, and we've known that since the Pueblo Incident in 1968, and the Church Hearings and COINTELPRO in 1976, and there were United Nations inspectors in Iraq for literally years, people who would have been steered to any suspicious site in the Iraq. Several of them, one the top UN inspector until 1998, a guy named Scott Ritter (remember the ex-Marine and the pasting he took from the White House's apologists at, for instance, FoxNews?) said there were no WMDs in Iraq.
Which brings me to my point. How in the hell could you (can you) believe that? A few night ago, on the FoxNews propaganda telecast known as the "O'Reilly Factor," the host excoriated the White House for not answering its critics with more "favorable" "information." Blatantly apparent was something becoming more and more a fact of life, that truth is no longer a matter of fact, but one of construction. "Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." Or, "whatever a celebrity says is the truth." Oh, yeah, and there's that gem from the Watergate era, "If the president does it, that means it's legal."
Now I'm back to "issues." Not the subject, the word; the word and the way its meaning - its relationship and connection with reality - can be changed at will. See what I mean? Say "issues" often enough meaning - let me see if I've gathered this right - trouble, difficulty, problem, or the like, and -VOILA! - that's what it means. Want something to be true often enough, or hard enough, it becomes the truth.
EXCEPT IT DOESN'T! That's just verisimilitude, the appearance of truth, or seeming to be true; and it can kill you! Reality, the brick wall at the end of the street you're driving down at ninety miles an hour, will make you a crumpled or crispy critter no matter what your verbal verisimilitude says. The current President of the United States, George W. Bush, is a liar. Reality, together with what he has said about it, say so. Words and language that do not relate to reality are just verisimilitude - the APPEARANCE of truth.
No matter what you say, twenty three hundred and seventy U.S. soldier citizens are, in reality and fact, DEAD. They will never be seen again, except in verisimilitude. Seventeen thousand, four hundred and sixty nine have been wounded. A missing leg is really gone, and no matter how much it is talked about, or imagined to be there, the man or woman who tries to walk by using words and verisimilitude will nevertheless go nowhere.
White House press conferences and pronouncements in general remind me a Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland:
'Then you should say what you mean,' the March Hare went on.
'I do,' Alice hastily replied; 'at least -- at least I mean what I say -- that's the same thing, you know.'
'Not the same thing a bit!' said the Hatter. 'Why, you might just as well say that "I see what I eat" is the same thing as "I eat what I see'!"
'You might just as well say,' added the March Hare, 'that "I like what I get" is the same thing as "I get what I like"!'
'You might just as well say,' added the Dormouse, which seemed to be talking in its sleep, 'that "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I breathe"!'
'It is the same thing with you,' said the Hatter, and here the conversation dropped and the party sat silent for a minute.
Lewis Carroll, Schroedinger's Cat, and the White House notwithstanding, there are ways - there have always been ways - to determine what is fact and what is fancy. We call it science, sometimes. Sometimes, it's as simple as putting your hand where the leg everyone says is still there is. Of course, that might make you a traitor - bad for the troops' morale, you know - but it ends the verisimilitude. Unlike Schroedinger's Cat, or Mr. Bush's White House and Department of Defense, the leg won't be both there and not there, depending on who's looking.
There is also putting together what you know and what you're being told. Or what you've been told and what you're being told. When someone you know can read a license plate before other people can tell what color it is, then tells you he can't see the elephant in his lap, you should be suspicious. When he TELLS you - especially if it's convincingly - that he can read the license plates before you can tell their color, then tells you he can't find the elephant in the room, you should suspect he's lying. You should wonder why, too.
Now, I know this is elementary, Watson (did you know that Sherlock never actually said that?), but the evidence - remember evidence, and what that is? - is that you know nothing of it. You'll have to take my word for it, because you listen to the Cheshire Cat in the White House every day:
'What sort of people live about here?'
'In that direction,' the Cat said, waving its right paw round, 'lives a Hatter: and in that direction,' waving the other paw, 'lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad.'
'But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
'How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
'You must be,' said the Cat, 'or you wouldn't have come here.'
Sometimes, to recognize a lie and a liar, there's the manner of lying. The liar always talks about things he is sure you are ignorant of. It's another example of a classic where governments are concerned. Make the lie so big, no one can possibly know or determine what he truth is.
“Can you do addition?” the White Queen asked. “What’s one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one?”
“I don’t know,” said Alice, “I lost count.”
But a little skill with math often smokes out that kind of liar. Who knows the truth about the costs of Iraq - or, for that matter, anything else? People, very bright ones without bias, are saying the total cost of Iraq will be two trillion - that's 2,000,000,000,000 dollars (the federal budget for 2006 is 2.3 supposedly - a nation of liars, who can actually tell - trillion). The guy is a professor, so I shouldn't argue with him, but I think that's very, very conservative - almost silly. But it will do for my purposes here. A trillion dollars is a stack of dollars seventy nine miles high. An accounting of that on 8 X 10 sheets of paper would require a stack of papers approximately four hundred feet high, about 286,000 pages. At four hundred pages per book, that would be 715 books. A voracious reader, who reads as many as three books a week, it would therefore take me 4.6 years to read the budget.
Just the fact that we are supposed to have a national "budget" is an obvious lie. How can you "budget" when there is no one who can so much as read the budget? The national budget is therefore a lie, simply because it's impossible. This time, of course, the President can say he didn't know - because he couldn't.
Just for some perspective on the monstrous nature of the lies you are subjected to daily by the White House, The Congress, and the mendacious sycophant media, here are some more numbers. One billion $1000 bills stacked flat would be approximately seventy nine miles high, and one thousand billions is one trillion. The national debt, depending upon whom you believe - and if you believe anybody in government you ought to start eating hay, because you're a jackass - is about $7,000,000,000,000.
"Americans" personally owe around ten trillion (sorry, just counting the danged zeroes makes me tired).
"Entitlements," the Ponzi Scheme the politicians conned the nation into, total something like fifty-four trillion dollars (that's a stack of "yards" - $1,000 bills - around 4,000 miles high).
Tired yet? Think of how tired your children and grandchildren will be, trying to pay that off. Anyway - and even more to that last point - INTEREST on the national debt is increasing about 1 trillion dollars a year and that, of course, is climbing. Interest n interest. Just for fun - since I dropped out long ago and don't pay any of it - The total of all those obligations is approximately (with the interest alone climbing at a trillion dollars a year, it's changing faster than I can calculate or type) $68,585,000,000,000. Whole you catch your breath, I'll do the numbers necessary to determine how much each man, woman, and child in the U.S. owes. If there are around 290,000,000 U.S. citizens - note that I don't count the Mexicans illegally here - and if I've pushed the right buttons on my calculator, that means you owe $236,500!
Oops - you're not out of the woods yet. The conspiracy of criminals (NOW do you see why I keep calling them that?) in the whorehouse on the Potomac keeps inflating - printing funny money - every year, a fact that means the dollar is be devalued steadily. I haven't, by the way, mentioned all the corporation debt, for pensions and the like, either. They'll either stick that on their prices or get the government to spread it around - more for the kids and grandkids to pay. When Benjamin Franklin said they would "piss on our graves," he knew why. As Thomas Jefferson once remarked, "If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied."
And it all happened, remind yourself (nobody is so stupid that he can't follow the reasoning here), that it all happened because the bankers and people called "lobbyists" had thousands of times more access to the U.S. Congress and your "representatives" than you did (have some more hay; you look pale - haggard, even).
Anyway, if you learn some math, you'll catch a lot of liars like your President. Continuing with our discussion of politicians and their principal skill, I note that when you catch a liar in the act, he will invariably repair to devices so familiar for so long that they are classics (if the crime is one other than lying, it's called 'modus operandi,' or MO), but among the most common is to say you were only repeating a lie you thought was true. Blame somebody else. You could call it the Presidential Evasion, because it is so well-known and so accepted as proper. After a papal pratfall, someone must fall on his sword, and nowhere moreso than when the faux pas is a Presidential lie. When CIA Director George Tenet resigned to be given The Medal Of Freedom, it was a familiar scene. When Kennedy had fired Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, he awarded them the Medal Of Freedom, too.
How do you tell otherwise - for sure, I mean? When the liar being stood in for had to have known the truth, that's how. Try to imagine the President having asked what the satellite cameras or whatever-the-hell other devilish devices we have counting the hairs on people's heads were saying and being told something other than the truth. He was lied to. Sure. Lots of people would be willing to literally risk their lives like that. Sure.
As ridiculous, even comical, as this all is, it's scary when you think about it carefully - that's, as I said before, if you still CAN think about it carefully. That's something to think about, too. The U.S. public is subjected these days to the most relentless and intensive mind-control technology and behavioral conditioning the related sciences are capable of. Worse, that we are a nation of liars is a manifestation of reality so voluminous, so ubiquitous, and so habitual as to beggar gainsaying. "What you are," Emerson observed, "thunders so loudly it that I can't hear what you say to the contrary." And, as H.L. Mencken observed, "It is hard to tell if a man is telling the truth when you know you would lie if you were in his place."
So, my prevaricating country, you have probably never been in greater danger. You live in a Never-Never Land of only virtual reality, the kind constructed by people who have little experience with which to connect language and life in the real world. If the fact of your enemies being legion weren't enough, there is the further fact that you are effectively insane. Lying to oneself, lost in reality that is only words and cute euphemistic manipulations of words, you know, is insane. Lying to yourself separates you from the truth - from reality - and to be separated from reality is schizophrenia, insanity. I've always believed that John Adams was right when he said that democracy is always a suicide, but I wondered why. I think I know now. They always go crazy.
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