Things That Make My Patriotic "German-American" Ass Tired.

All this crap about "poor, 'undocumented' Mexicans who just want to work . . .," and the craven scumsucker low-lifes who profit by the crime of hiring them. Then, too there are the following - order not necessarily reflecting degree of my contempt for them:
1. Phony, posturing political demagogues who seek to play both ends against the middle - that's those of us who play the damned rules and obey the law (odious and hateful as it may be) - to pretend concern for the alien criminals already here, all the while professing sanctimoniously their interest in our national security. Already having sold out what little of congress's honor remained - it wouldn't make you blink if you got it in your eye - by pandering outrageously to the special interest represented by illegal Cuban aliens here, these two-faced wonder windbags are now looking for Mexican interests to fellate. Even outright treason isn't as hideously hypocritical as this. Christ! - what a disgusting lot - they and the nation that tolerates them. What ever happened to the tar and feathers party of yesteryear?
"Poor Mexicans? Where the hell were all these bleeding hearts when some of their own - me and mine - were reduced to even worse poverty - by the same government that's so damned concerned for their welfare ? I can help the Mexicans, too. I can teach them how to search for coins in parking lots and along curbing. I can teach them which wild plants are edible, and how to determine the are so. I can help Jose and Maria learn to evade official notice - that by a guy who was being hunted to kill, rather than deport. I can show you how to sleep in the outdoors, where and how to pitch a tent in less than two minutes against a downpour, and fifty things more. I can teach you how to survive both the blistering and stifling heat of the desert and the cutting and paralyzing cold of a mountain blizzard. I can tell you, like I said, because the same government willing to let you - a criminal alien - do just about as you damned please was willing to destroy me - me, a citizen who was born here, lived and worked here to pay more than a million dollars in taxes and kill for it in combat.
I can tell you that if you trust a government that will betray its own people for you, you're a damned fool. If you trust a yanqui capitalist not to sell you out when the time is ripe, estás loco de remate, estupido. If you're a woman and anything but butt-ugly, you're going to have to put out to the first jefe or government official who finds out you're "undocumented." You'll spread 'em for el gerente norteamericano, or go back to Méjico. And anyone who knows you're willing to come here knowing that knows you're willing to do what it takes to stay here.
2. Arrogant Loud-mouth, jock-snuffer warmongers like Rush Limbaugh, the crowd on FoxNews, Late Night Talk Radio, and others elsewhere, who - never having served a damned day under arms, much less ever having gone in harm's way for the nation that has given them favored position and status - beat the drums of war for others far less fortunate to march to. Talk about disgusting! There again, even more disgusting is the garbage-eater society and nation that lends these Uriah Heeps for Washington and the White House an ear. Stay out of my way, gentlemen - if you ever come within reach, I will throw you so hard you'll stick to the floor like a fucking bug. You are beyond a doubt the lowest form of life I've ever had the extreme displeasure to suffer.
3. The relentless repetition of "news" having to do with some woman from Splatter bottom, Arkansas or the like having allegedly been raped. This is national news? Who the hell cares? Worse is the utterly vapid utterings of the female "experts" foisted upon the viewing audience by media women like Greta van Susteren, who mouth one example of feminist's codeword and jargon after another in furthering their bubble-headed political agendas. How the hell, for instance, does a woman get "vaginal bruising" from rape? What utter nonsense! Never in all my years of having sex have I ever seen, even heard of, a woman having getting her snatch bruised from sex. As a private investigator who handled a number of rape cases, and investigated dozens more, I never heard of such a thing. When a woman has a baby through that thing, it doesn't get "bruised." How the hell would the woman get "bruised?" What we have is another term to add to the steadily growing lexicon of Malaprop nonsense being infused into our language by irrational members of the gender whose reality has become almost entirely one of rhetoric. You know - "Let's talk." Like "abortion" to euphemize "killing," "male chauvinist" the pejorative of "masculine," "power rape" to mean she got carried away and now regrets - or wants to take advantage, and the rest, "vaginal bruises" seeks to take us further down the rabbit hole of feminist rhetorical reality where we've already been dragged. What we also have - more to the point - is feminism trying to arrogate its bubble-headed attitudes on a prosecutor. And a nation.
4. Oil companies who, given billions and billions - something like seventy-five at last count - of subsidies and tax breaks by the taxpayer, now uses any excuse whatever - latest, hurricanes Katrina and Rita - to gauge the public for even more. Any other time anyone contributed that kind of money, he'd own controlling interest in the companies in question. Any other time a company wanted to get seventy-five billion in capital, it would have to sell interest to do it. Thanks to the soliciting for prostitution we euphemistically call "lobbying," it doesn't work that way in the Nation of Laws. The taxpayer pays both at the pump and on April 15. Sweet for the oil companies, the green weenie for the taxpayer motorist.
5. Ann Coulter, she of the high-as-hell-on-"uppers" wild eyes, razor tongue, and vapid Oceania-like rhetoric. The wonder is that people like this so much as get an audience. The latest is something about how people of the political persuasion opposed to hers - I assume, perhaps too much, that she has any real interest in her nation and its government at all - must worship the devil. Check those eyes: who do YOU think is more likely to have had recent commerce with the devil? Just shut the hell up, bitch. I watch O'Reilly, Hannity, and Fox for entertainment, just go to another channel when your serving up your latest bed-pan of panty-hose pontification.
6. FoxNews "analysts" like the colonels and generals who come on to tell us everything is just peachy in Iraq. With roughly one-third the troop numbers we need, surrounded and unable to move freely without taking numerous casualties, the country we've gone to "liberate" having sunk into anarchy and civil war (oops, we haven't declared THAT kind of war, either) or whatever euphemism for that we've come up with lately; with nation's infrastructure operating a half capacity, internecine murder and atrocity the rule of the day, and the Iran now determined to arm itself with nuclear weapons on account of the lesson we're teaching with it all, everything is great. Two and two are five, twelve and twelve are thirty, a billion dollars is pocket change compared to what we're doing for Iraq, and if you don't understand that, it's just because you're not an analyst. Thank god for that.
7. Television and newsprint liberals for whom everybody is good, everything is good, and everything that isn't is conservatives' fault.
8. Television and newsprint liberals for whom everybody is bad, everything is bad, and everything that isn't bad is conservatives' fault.
9. A nation that listens to these morons.
10. A President who looks you right in the eye and says "We - is that the papal "we?" - found the weapons of mass destruction, blames on the CIA - that means it has to have been the papal "we," doesn't it? - the fact of there having been none there to find, and continues to posture as though "we" might still find the WMDs. That all the while possessed of satellite and other intelligence capable of reading car license plates, detecting individual nervous system patterns, and mapping underground rivers from outer space - and ignoring the fact that no one has yet managed to build any kind of WMD with anything less that a factory the size of a small city. Christ what a liar! What a pack of idiots it takes to believe that kind of liar! Now that I think of it, that must be the same people who listen to Ann Coulter.
11. People who by virtue of huge salaries and incomes - for doing such magnificently ingenious, skilled, powerful, and history-shaping things as stand on a stage to sing and shake your ass, or pontificate (somehow, that word seems appropriate for describing today's punditry more and more often) self-importantly to the public from the rostrum of a climate-controlled TV studio or newsroom provided by electronic media or newsprint, play silly kids' games like basketball, baseball, or football, and fifty more things similar - pretend to be worth and deserving of their income and social position - they "earned" it. B-a-a-a-r-f! I've covered a number of these self-made monuments to capitalistic resourcefulness' butts as a bodyguard and security specialist, such that I can tell you they wouldn't last a week in a reality like the wilderness, the mean streets, or combat. The simple fact is that none of these twits has an IQ higher than any ordinary citizen. Most of these champions of capitalism, matter of fact, are so stupid they don't know a mule from a mole. Few can do the simplest algebra equations, certainly not calculus, and the logical process of problem solution is completely beyond them. When anything in their hothouse flower environment goes wrong, they pick up the phone and call someone who makes peanuts by comparison for help. Few could so much as plant a garden, let alone a crop. As a group or class, they have almost no real knowledge of history or literature; in fact, almost no one among them has ever read a book from cover to cover. To this bunch of dependent - and that's what they really are, you know - losers, everything of real worth is translated into money.
The lot of them is like multi-million dollar a year baseball "stars" - who couldn't make it to the quarter finals in the World Baseball classic lately. What do you think we should call the World Series THIS year?
12. Illegal aliens - who call themselves "undocumented workers" (man, I have also had a belly full of this lying by euphemism horseshit!), come to this country to wave their Mexican flag, throw shitty toilet paper in the restroom corner, form gangs and rage around the country mugging people (save it, liberal - I've had them try it several times) and under-bidding yanqui independent building and repair contractors (save - that also happened to me, personally), and drive like demented morons (save it again - on one twelve mile stretch of highway here in Texas, there are thirteen "descansos," where more than twenty people - all Hispanics; Anglos don't leave "descansos" - lost their lives. Having earned the yanqui dollar, they send it home to Mexico - by the millions and millions. It pisses me off to see the State Farm Mutual commercial where the woman is in serious trouble - a two or three hundred dollar fine, most places - because she doesn't have her f------ insurance card, but a Mexican alien without his green card is offered amnesty.
That'll have to do for the day - got to go to judo practice. I've "vented." Feels good. Still, like I've said, I want the government to fall, so I hope you go right on doing what you're doing. Be sure you DO listen to the pundits, even nutcases like Ann Counter. By all means, DO believe your sorry-ass liar of a president. I hope the government gives amnesty to all twenty million aliens here for Mexico, and that they turn everywhere they are into more of that magnificent bastion of democracy, industry, and the law-abiding country whose magnificence they ran away from. I hope the oil companies raise the price of gasoline at the pump to five dollars (things will begin to shut down at about $4.00), and the government gives them another $75,000,000,000 in tax breaks and "oil depletion allowances." I hope the looney-bin brains like Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, and the rest stir up your popinjay militarism until you declare war on everybody who won't capitulate to your every whim and fancy. They'll teach you a lesson that will make 9-11 seem like a popcorn fart. THEN maybe you'll wise the hell up. That's what it will take.
Oh, yeah - and I hope you keep paying steroid-gorging, strutting and preening phonies like the crowd who humiliated the U.S. at the World Baseball Classic a hundred dollars and more for a ticket, just like I hope you keep driving the price of gas higher by driving that gas-guzzler SUV ninety miles an hour. It'll also speed along what's coming. Besides, there are too many of us, already.
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