Isn't Mexico Like That Because of Mexicans? Do We REALLY Want Their "Contribution?"

April 3, 2006:
"After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."
So wrote Nineteenth Century historian Alexis de Tocqueville, in his monumental work, “Democracy in America.” Does that remind you of anything? No, I suppose not. In the compressed, enervated, extinguished, and stupid state we find ourselves, that wouldn’t be likely – would it?!
De Tocqueville, who came to the U.S. in 1831 to see what was going on, had literally volumes of things to say about the future, and so many proved to be so accurate that he is now considered by most to be the among the greatest of his profession. For example:
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
Recognize the symptom? Can you say “Nine trillion dollar debt ceiling”?
Here’s another: "When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."
How many Damodalas does it take to make you recognize that your country has ceased to be good? The “good” do not, for instance, kill a crowd in order to get the guy they hate. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al Qa’ida terrorist we were after wasn’t even in the little village in the Bajaur tribal area of Pakistan; we just thought he might be - what's a few rag-head peasants? That’s “GOOD?” If that’s not a war crime, tell me what is.
As I say, de Tocqueville’s writings a filled with prophetic observations, prophesy unmistakably accurate and meaningful. Like, "The man who asks of freedom anything other than itself is born to be a slave." With abandonment to the White House of the right to privacy, it won’t be long before that one will have come to fruition.
And how about, "Americans are so enamored of equality they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom." Talk about unmistakable! When a Mexican criminal, even a kidnapper, drug pusher, or murderer is eligible to be your equal – even your privileged superior - because he has a couple of nations' presidents on his side, you have taken equality to a level equaling slavery. Any mistake about that?
In fact, let’s talk about that last one. What are we really talking about when the “issue” of illegal immigration from Mexico is the topic? Having listened, admittedly with fascination – abnormal psychology and mental dysfunction otherwise have interested me intensely since I was a kid – I gather this of the people who want to open the gates to whomever wants in, whatever the reason:
Mexicans are wonderful people – hard-working, law-abiding (like most of the rest of us, there’s not much chance they would know what the law IS, but in a politically correct and feminist country, I have to say that) highly intelligent (you don’t dare say they’re not, so I guess they have to be), and decidedly a great asset to any nation who has them.
That last is because they are so loyal to the United States, so interested in doing everything they can to make it a better country. Besides, we can’t do without them. Our people won’t do the kind of work they will.
Now, it has long been very obvious that my government thinks of me as a Mexican, and I suppose I gave them reason to think that way - in view of my having done all that work that "'Americans' won't do." Still, I didn’t realize until here lately that my having done all that work that 'Americans' won't do - stuff like what I did then in the fields back home with people called “migrant workers” - might make me a target for the IRS like it did. The “migrant workers” (‘braceros,” they were called in Mexico, whence they all came) even taught me to speak fluent Spanish. That makes me “Hispanic,” too, I guess – doesn’t it? Then, too, there’s the fact that I saw nothing wrong or demeaning about insisting that my sons also worked with the migrant workers in the nurseries and on the farms back home, do restaurant clean-up, busboy, and waiter jobs – all that stuff “Americans” won’t do.
Yeah, I must be a Mexican, all right. I’ve been doing all that stuff that “Americans” (I always put that in quotes because I know that there are thirty-four other nations in this hemisphere) won’t do, and for most of my life. In fact, after the Internal Revenue Service destroyed my businesses, broke up my marriages (the two are plural because they did it twice), they took effective steps to assure that I couldn’t even get THAT kind of work. I wasn’t even qualified to be Mexican. But I found "that kind' of work, anyway. Tough Mexican, moi.
“Illegal alien” status, you see, would have entitled me to a whole lot of things I couldn’t get as a second-class "American" citizen. I was the wrong kind of “undocumented worker,” too. There are a lot of examples, but this one will serve nicely. The other day, a friend got hurt and taken to the local hospital by ambulance. Summoned to help and having been assured that she was being cared for, I was obliged to wait for news. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.
When the hospital employee arrived with the de rigueur barrage of questions concerning billing and insurance, I pointed to one of the several signs that festooned walls and doorways all over the place. The signs state categorically that if you are an illegal alien, “triage” – that’s emergency care – is an “entitlement.” It’s “gratis.” That means free.
I’m an undocumented worker, I said (well, it’s true – I’ve never had “documents”). The conversation was lively, I can tell you – the hospital employee was Hispanic. I’m very obviously “un Anglo.” Still, when the señorita spoke to me haughtily in Spanish, I answered her in fluent Spanish.
Talk about a perplexed frown! Utterly confused now, speechless, the girl would only respond to questions. Wouldn’t my being an illegal alien from Mexico mean that I wouldn’t have to pay for services? Yes, that’s right. But if I were un Americano, un verdadero ciuidadaño de los Estados Unidos, I WOULD have to pay – right?
That was right, too. Okay, I said, “I’m an illegal alien.”
You can guess the rest. But I have a few more questions, questions with answers I didn’t get the other day; questions with answers I’m not getting from the television or newsprint media, either. I started to say "someone in government . . ." Silly.
First question: Why can’t I apply for illegal alien status? How about “undocumented worker?” What with a U.S. District Court already having ruled that I have no rights as a citizen, that shouldn’t be a problem, should it?
Ah, but then the staggering hospital bill I got the other day after a check-up, the one Medicare and Medicaid won’t pay because they can’t get my damned German name entered correctly in the computers that have so addled them, would be absorbed by everyone else who pays taxes and insurance premiums. Just like if I were a privileged character – a Mexican criminal, for instance.
Second question: Isn’t Mexico the way it is on account of Mexicans? I mean, if Mexicans are as wonderful – industrious and all that - as we’re being told, why isn’t Mexico the country they’re running to, instead of away from? Maybe more to the point, if we let all these people come here, to do as they seem so anxious to do – celebrating Mexican Independence Day and holidays, speaking and demanding to be taught in Spanish, resolutely observing Mexican customs, and the like; waving the Mexican flag, cheering for the Mexican baseball team when it played the U.S., and all that – won’t the United States eventually be the paradise Mexico is?
Watch it Canada – once they’ve taken over here, you’ve gotta be next. I hope you like menudo and frijoles refritos. Oh, yeah, and Cinco de Mayo celebrations and the flag of Mexico.
Uh - one more thing: when they use the water closet, they put what they've just wiped their ass on in the corner. Watch your step!
And, finally (I’ve got more, but they would REALLY piss the politically correct off), how is it that the illegal alien who appeared on CNN the other night – “Antonio,” the one who says he has been here for years, started a successful business with several employees, and all that – can pay taxes as he claims he does, AND NOT GET CAUGHT?
Unless I’ve gone totally around the damned bend, he has to file all kinds of paperwork, stuff like W-2 and W-4 forms, federal tax returns, and on and on in that “Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995” way. If he didn’t lie again and again and again – and that’s a crime, folks – how did he stay in business? Where is the mighty and pecksniffian IRS in all this?! (You're still wondering how al Qa'ida got those airliners on 9-11? Whew!)
Hell’s Bells, I never – and all of the following was established in a court of law, sorry as they are in the “Nation of Laws” - falsified a damned thing, never cheated once on a tax return, never failed to file anything required in as many damned duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicates, or quintriplicates as required, but they chased my patriot’s ass from pillar to post, hounded me at every step, ruined my business and my life, just because I said our government should be required to obey the law.
That's worse than sneaking into the country in order to steal all the social benefits the people who lived here, and worked here, all their lives have set up and paid for? In my entire life, I've done nothing but contribute to the United States, taken nothing. Couldn’t I have been considered an “undocumented worker?” Doesn't three bullet wounds, and the shrapnel that works its way out of my head and ass every now and then merit at least that? Where was the fucking amnesty you’re so willing to give to a Mexican child-rapist or murderer?
Let me make a couple of observations in passing. The fact of you citizenship obviously means damned little to your government, except to identify you as a victim for its utterly mindless and incomprehensible machinations. Neither does “justice” mean anything to your country and its legal system where the individual is concerned. Only when you are cravenly rich or the member of a group with, or capable of, political power can you protect your “rights.”
Example? Okay, take the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. That one has been under assault during most of my lifetime from the people who profit by violence and violent crime. It remains intact (in fact, as ownership of guns and legalization concealed handgun carry drives violence and violent crime rates downward, the right grows steadily more healthy socially). On the other hand, rights like those of religion, speech, and privacy, for instance, have been chipped at continually – almost continuously, in fact. Civil rights no one dreamed of losing when I was a kid are gone. Why?
I’ll tell you why (you knew I would, didn’t you?). The right to own and carry a weapon is protected by an organized group; a big, rich, and politically powerful (same thing, of course) group. There is no such thing, where the rest are concerned (and if someone mentions the American Civil Liberties Union, I’ll puke on his shirt).
O.J. Simpson got away with murder because he had a race of people supporting him, a whole lot of them ready to tear cities to pieces if he was convicted. The illegal alien is getting away with murder (that’s literal as well as figurative) because he has behind him in support a whole lot of people who have somehow acquired a whole lot political power. That his political support includes people he is stealing from as respects loss of job opportunity, taxes, and other considerations demonstrates a kind of social and economic mindlessness that certainly does not recommend his supporters to the society as whole.
As I said, Mexico must be the way Mexico is on account of Mexicans.
But where do they get their power here in the United States?
And, parenthetically again, if you say “vote,” I’ll heave. What I want to know is where the illegal alien and his supporters get the money you have to have to buy Congress. If you say “drugs,” I’ll not say a word in reproach.
Last question (or two): WHEN THE HELL WILL YOU WAKE UP? The way your country works is a hurricane, a storm so thunderously loud, so destructive, and so vicious that ROCKS know it. It is a Frankenstein Monster which, having raped and pillaged you, is about to force open your mouth and shit down your throat. THEN will you do something?
Yeah, you will. If the recent past is any indication, you'll swallow.
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