Thursday, October 20, 2005

In view of recent revelations in the media, if is fortunate that my book “Letters to Aaron, the Hal Luebbert Story” is finally published. Of course, another version prior to this one and entitled simply “Letters to Aaron,” was published by a subsidy publisher in 2000. In that instance, inasmuch as the United States Government was and had been doing everything in its power to stop publication, I simply wanted to get my story on the published record.

My reasons for having published the first "Letters" are being vindicated daily of late, as are the stories, claims, and charges I made in the books. The subtitle to “Letters … the Hal Luebbert Story,” after all, is “’America’ and its Freedom Myths.”

This morning, another of my “Letters” charges was substantiated, that of the myth having to do with due process, fair trial, and all that. The Fox News morning crew interviewed a man named Wilton Dredge, yet another victim of the United States and its government, a man convicted of sexual battery, aggravated battery, and burglary he could not have committed. Set free by DNA tests, he is one of literally hundreds so violated, the subject of a new documentary movie, “After Innocence.”

In my books, I relate having discovered the truth about United States jurisprudence and its vaunted system of justice. Years before, when I had caught a crooked local county attorney faking evidence in trial after trial (in one instance, demonstrating the proof incontrovertibly on a local television station), I also charged that the equally vaunted Federal Bureau of Investigation not only mishandled and faked (what would you expect, that someone who fouls up something like that would just say he’d done so?) evidence, it committed perjury as a matter of course (ditto the same reasoning – liars aren’t born, they’re made).

The rest, I said somewhere once, was history. Corner the federal government of this country, catch them in their customary criminal work, expect to hear from Internal Revenue Service.

I survived, as I also said somewhere recently, because I’m a tactician. And my tactical mind knew that the only way to survive the people who wield the law is to play judo – get leverage or get your opponent off balance. I did that by infiltrating, obtaining proof of my charges. It damned near cost me my life – you don’t think the rich and powerful just concede their riches and power, do you – but I didn’t go to jail. Too powerful. I still pay no taxes. I still do some pretty outrageous things, too (one friend who takes me to task frequently for my remarks concerning our profligate nation, and undoubtedly many like him, think that’s because this is such a free country, such a “nation of laws.” Sheesh! How brain-washed and indoctrinated can you be?!).

But here we are again. The king is nekkid as a jaybird. We’ve put hundreds of innocent men in jail. We’ve executed several, too; and there’s no way statistical probability will let us off the hook, there, either. And while we’re on the subject, or one like “equality under the law,” guess – and while you’re guessing, consider why that might be – what percentage of the men we wrongly convicted were BLACK men? We’re not a racist country, either. Of course not.

Was I talking about myths?

Anyway, here we are, like I said. The liar has been caught again. We’re a fraud before the whole world. In fact, we’re much like all those totalitarian governments we’ve railed against for years. The “Land of the Free” is really the land of the legally oppressed, the dispossessed, and the wrongfully imprisoned. The “Land of Opportunity” is really the land of the wretched poor (forty million of them) and those worked literally to death by taxation. The “Nation of Laws” is really the nation of the plea-bargain, the ex parte deal with the judge, and the politically correct (even if it means repudiating our famed Bill of Rights). And so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, ad . . . or never mind – about here, I always choke.

The question, the reason I bother – the reason I stay here – is why? WHY? BECAUSE when the scum risen to the top of our great national pond does what scum can be expected to do, we sit on our dead asses and do nothing! We make a damned movie like “After Innocence.” That satisfies our civic duty to do something. Tut, tut, we can cluck, then go about our business. Who really gives a damn about some nobody in Podunk, Kansas – or was it Iowa . . . Dakota? . . ., anyway? I can’t do anything about some guy that far away, besides. Hell, he’s probably black.

When one of our fellow citizens is abused, like the Weavers at Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians, and a hundred more, we look for and find a reason to have more important things to be concerned about. They were “white separatists,” they were “some weird religion,” a “tax protestor,” or “some kind of political activist.” Not like me, or us. Besides, I’m not into that political crap. It’s probably all bull---- What can I do, anyway? I only know what I see on TV, and read in the papers. Who’s doing JayLow or Paris, that’s what I want to know about.

Yeah. Unless there is a prurient interest, like the Holloway case of late, and the Peterson case before that, I’m not interested. There are literally thousands of young women like Natalee Holloway missing. They’re presumed rape and murder victims, too. Why aren’t THEY famous? Why are all the people here on UK not interested and fulminating about THEM? Why don’t you know about Joanna Roberts from Lubbock? She’s the same age as Natalee. But she didn’t make it to her graduation, much less a blast in Aruba. Why don’t you hear from Joanna’s parents, and from Joanna’s mom every (damned) day?

Why have we lost all semblance to what we once were? I’m telling you (I’m telling you, and if you’re the typically political-propagandized, media-conditioned, brain-of-a-grape “American,” you probably didn’t even know it). Read “Letters to Aaron.” Why didn’t anyone so passionately interested in the disappearance of a teenage girl from nowhere, Alabama, a case that in cold reality has no bearing on their lives whatever, have utterly no interest in Hal von Luebbert’s fight for something bearing on the life of every, single taxpayer and citizen in the country? His war with the federal government brought not only the Taxpayers Bill of Rights and legislation that has affected every taxpayer in the country, but it had much to do with discovery of the jurisprudential, prosecutorial, and law enforcement incompetence, malfeasance, and criminality that put all those “After Innocence” men in jail in the first place.

Save the raspberries, and save the kudos, too. I’m so far past that they’re like peas thrown at an elephant, or roses handed a horse.

My point, and reason for this writing, is that this nation is no longer interested in forming a perfect union, no longer demands justice, seeks domestic tranquility only out of cowardice and desire for comfort, can no longer provide for the common defense, thinks “the general welfare” is a handout, mostly because its citizens couldn’t care less about any liberty except their own.

If, my benighted and decadent country, you really want to “secure the blessings of liberty for yourselves and your posterity,” start thinking and worrying about “what you can do for your country;” not “what your country can do for you.”

You might even lose some weight.


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