"Leadership?" Congress? Yeah - Sure!

Today, let’s first get something out of the way. I’m not a racist, any more than a guy who knows about flowers is a florist. Still, eighty percent of the comment I receive to this page – almost without exception comment filled with invective and diatribe which labels its author far better than I might – is from racists and sexists trying – they suppose – to defend their religion-derived or neurosis-driven point of view. Anyone who says anything they perceive as running counter to their all-or-nothing, “you’re with me or you’re against me,” creeds is evil.
First of the first, everyone who has known me for any length of time will tell you that you’re wasting your oh, so priceless time (understood of course, that you need to satisfy yourself – try real masturbation instead of the mental kind), and sagacity. No one who knows me can remember the last time an insult had any noticeable effect on me whatever. Actually, you only make me feel superior, branding – as you do - yourself for what you are.
Anyway – and once and for all – I’ll reply by quoting from “Letters to Aaron,” a book I wrote; and, it happens, this is an excerpt from an actual letter to my son:
“I never use the N”-word.” Never. Never have. That’s of no particular credit to me. It was never used by my folks, or any of the people in the community where I grew up. I never heard it, and I wish the people who call themselves “Afro-American” could and would get over being hurt by that damned, ridiculous word.
“Where else in the human race do you find the kind of hysterical reaction to a noise made with the voice box and epiglottis (I guess)? When did you ever see a white guy go ballistic at being called “Kraut,” “Anglo,” “Jerry,” “Limey” or the like? You’re too young to remember, but once black people tried to counter “nigger” with “honky.” The attempt was futile – almost still-born, in fact - simply because white people wouldn’t react.
“Man, I wish black people the best and I’ll do anything feasible and honorable I can to help them get all the best. Years ago, I hired the first black guy in the Midwest, and probably the country, to be an insurance adjuster. I hired him because he was the most qualified applicant. I guess you’ll also remember who fully half my good friends were back in CF. You also know how I feel about anybody being judged by anything but his merits as an individual. Anything else is my definition of prejudice; and in my book, prejudice isn’t just evil, it’s stupid.
“But really caring about people, anyone, means treating them – black, white, or green – just like I always treated you, my son. It means making all the same demands of them I made of you and your brother. And you’ll remember that what I demanded of my sons was self discipline, and self-respect – discipline and self-respect before they asked for respect from others.
“I remember, in fact, telling you something once when you came home crying to say that somebody had called you a bad name. I said, Dieter, insults are nothing. What an insult does to you is only, and exactly, what you let it do. So make what it does nothing. That way, the person who insulted you gets nothing for his effort, and – after a while – he won’t do it again. No use.”
I have the same attitude where women are concerned. “People” includes women, you know, not a mindless damned ideology – something feminists always seem to have forgotten. I applaud, on the one hand, the liberation of women; I do not, on the other hand, applaud license – for anybody. Look up the word (maybe you’ve never even so much as heard it, let alone recognize it) the word “responsibility.”
The reason I wish people like Gretchen here would shut the fuck up is that I care about the women I know, and I care enough to resent – hate is the better word – seeing them exploited for selfish gain by their feminist (supposedly) sisters. Did you find the word? Recognize anything there?
Permit me to digress momentarily by way of, perhaps, illustration. Yesterday, on the way to see her folks, wife Rita and I passed a car stopped along the highway, its hood up. Under it, a young woman stood peering forlornly at the engine. My hair stood up on my neck. The place is a few miles from the border with Mexico. The nearest town is ten miles. Here, in other words, was still another example of a young woman somehow largely oblivious to the world around her. Traveling alone, she was making of herself a plumb to be picked by the first of the ten million perverted low-lives who might happen along.
What the hell is so hard to understand about that? How oblivious can you be?
Having found the first available turn-around, we want back. When inspection and diagnosis determined that the car’s engine had blown a head-gasket and was hors de combat, we obtained water and a bucket from a farm some distance away, called the young woman’s dad, and followed her care as she limped with it into the next town. Only when her dad had arrived with a wrecker did we go on our way.
There’s a corollary, too, something I agree upon with Bill O’Reilly one hundred percent. The miserable life form that preys upon women and children needs to be removed from society. Permanently (maybe the “Factor” guy and I don’t agree; on that subject he’s a moderate when compared to me – I’d kill ‘em).
But the responsibility for taking care of women and kids belongs not to society, but to their families – their men. God damn it, people, if your men were acting like the men who reared me, your women and kids couldn’t be stolen, used, and thrown away like waste. It’s a national disgrace, what you’ve made of “men.”
Enough of that. You have the country you have because you let it be that way (yes, just like Mexico is that way on account of Mexicans, etc.).
But I digress. What I intended to write about today is something else. Most often, I write here about the nation’s myths. Last night, Nancy Pelosi set me off again with her sanctimonious assurance that Democrats need “to read the budget.”
There you have it, still another time – a microcosmic example of the Never-neverland this nation lives in.
“Read the budget.” What bullshit! People, the budget “reads” like another the U.S. congress will never read – the list of official federal secrets. That’s fifteen point six million secrets (15,600,000, and I’m not kidding). It’s like Chapter 26 of the United States Code – the Internal Revenue Code, in case you’ve forgotten. It’s hard to pull out of all the lies told about it by everyone in government – that’s just about literally everyone in government – but the Tax Code is between 16,845 (figure arrived at by dividing the total number of words by the average number of words on a page) to 60,000 pages (a congressman’s statement, so who knows?). There were nine million, eight hundred thirty-seven thousand, four hundred eighty (9,837,480) words as of 2004.
The national budget represents a stack of eight-by-ten sheets of paper fifty-two feet high.
Using extrapolation by the mathematics that is my hobby (my way of saying that I’m not a professional mathematician), it would take Nancy-girl until about the year 2013 to do that “read the federal budget” she promised.
My point? My point is that the Speaker of the House deliberately misrepresented the congress’ procedure where the budget is concerned, the facts. She isn’t, in other words, telling the truth. That, by definition, is lying. Nancy Pelosi, like her fellows and sisters in government, is a liar.
Let’s stay with this a minute. Supposedly, our Nation of Laws is made so – overseen and controlled – by law. Of course, to be a “nation of laws” requires that someone know what the law IS. Ignorance of the law may be no excuse for the rest of us, but in a nation like this one, with its supreme law, the U.S. Constitution, someone – the government - must know the law. It is, you know, a bedrock principle of law that law incapable of interpretation – uniform interpretation – is illegal, null and void.
Interpretation, of course is the courts’ business. Swell. Explain to me how it is that a court – a judge, that is – can know even law as voluminous as that of the Tax Code. Add to the statue itself, and all the statutes having to do with internal revenue, all of the case law on the subject, and you have more law than all the judges in the nation could read in four (yes, I said four) lifetimes.
That’s reading at four thousand words per minute, by the way. Try it.
You doubt? Think about it. There are libraries everywhere – “federal repositories,“ for instance – libraries filled with only law books. How long do you think it would take even a speed-reader to read a library?
Mathematics, incidentally, can tell you a whole lot about the truth. And who’s lying. It can tell you everything from why you can’t jump to the moon to the fact that the war in Iraq is costing every “American” thirty-five hundred dollars ($3500), plus interest. Don’t ask about the federal debt – it’ll make you suicidal.
Not that you aren’t already. What else do you call a people who tolerate a government like this?
By the way: the Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model (by which military tacticians; real ones - not what we have, obviously – plan wars and battles, and compute things military), says we need to have six hundred, forty thousand (640,000) troops in Iraq. As of today, the price of congress’ “support” – failure to demand any kind of tactically competent prosecution of this war (like sufficient troops and materiel, for instance) - has been three thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one
Nancy, after all, cares so much about our troops that she could just wet her panty-hose. When do you think you will finally get up the nerve to demand either withdrawal or the all-out effort that putting young lives in lethal danger demand, Nancy? Nancy?
What it all comes to is this – the most appalling realization, perhaps, of my life – that we are a nation gone mad, totally out of touch with both the realities of day-to-day life and those of history. This, of course, is the state of the majority by whom we have come to be in this hideously apoplectic and spastic condition. For those who remain unaffected by propagandist-created virtual reality of life in today’s “America,” it is terrifying. Downright excruciating.
Today’s public political discourse has descended to the level of children yelling supposed insults and tu quoque barbs back and forth across a neighborhood street. While, for instance, the Congress dithers over Iraq and the nitwit whose prevaricating ambition got us there, our soldiers die for reasons none but those most stupefied by federal media propaganda can pretend to understand (as the Knight Errant Home Page here notes, we spend on a city in Iraq scores of times what we spend on one of our own – New Orleans).
Who knows where it will end? No one that I can imagine. Nothing become this chaotic is so comprehensible. “The mind boggles,” one says. Still, there must be limits. For the typical neo-conservative, for instance, there will always be enough money. There just will be. The globe is not warming on account of human activity; no matter what we do, the planet will cope (true, but no one seems to realize what that means – we all die, for instance). Et cetera.
But that, my friend, is part of the virtual reality where you live. There must be limits. There are limits that apply to everything. All, everything we have learned and know tells us that. If, for example, human population growth would continue for the next thousand years at the rate it has for the last one thousand years, the weight of human bodies on the planet would equal the weight of the planet.
Obviously, that can’t be, for several obvious reasons. Something, therefore, must occur between then and now. No way around it.
The corollary applies to the atmosphere and carbon dioxide levels there. If you, like so many of the “Ant and the Grasshopper” grasshopper people, think that melting of the polar ice caps is the only thing that will result, you’re only demonstrating how little you know about the ecosystem. If CO2 levels continue to increase at the rate they have in the last one hundred years, my numbers say that we will begin to suffocate – you can’t live on carbon dioxide, you know – in less than a hundred years. Long before that, as little as twenty years, the effect will have begun to make people sick.
Still another corollary of reasoning having to do with global warming is industrial pollution, and that just in its heavy metals form, which has begun to make people (the wife of a friend has just learned that her chronic vertigo is due atmospheric tin due local industry) ill. At present pollution rates, in fact, the North American continent will be unfit for human habitation in one hundred years.
That while many of what purports to be the best of our deliberative minds, our environmental doctors, as it were, tell us that the best course of treatment for our symptoms is to wait and see what happens. I don’t know about you, but if my doctor’s advice when I went to see him for treatment of whatever was asphyxiating me was to “wait and see,” I’d see another doctor.
Iraq is a logical corollary, too? Isn’t it, though? How about the whole Middle East and Arab world? The patient is obviously dying, but the solution our “doctor” president - even he concedes that things aren’t going well - demands is that we continue the same treatment – only moreso.
We can’t seem to win the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, so the presidential solution is to start a war with Iran.
Does anyone happen to remember another of the political nouveau riche – a fellow named Adolf – who picked a fight with everybody he could, then kept insisting that his country stay the course right up to the time he poisoned his dog, the better to save him from the barbarian hordes pounding on the bunker door?
How crazy are we? Well, I mentioned “barbarian hordes.” Those were the Soviets who would soon after the fall of Berlin in 1945 institute the infamous “Plunderfreiheit” – freedom of plunder. For days, the victorious Soviets raped, tortured, and murdered every German woman and girl they could lay hands on. Do I compare them with anyone today? You’re damned right, I do.
Last night on the “O’Reilly Factor,” (yeah, I watch every night: this guy, Hannity, and the rest fascinate me – abnormal psychology, you know), there appeared a Moslem woman, a professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Like literally dozens before her, the lady refused to condemn things like the stoning of women, the teaching of children to commit murder, carry daggers, chant hate slogans, terrorist bombings, and genocide. “Islam,” she said, “has many factions and divisions.” Like several before her, moreover, she insisted on trying to equate the violence of Islamic extremists with that of Christianity. Islam, these people insist, is a religion of peace.
Suffice it to say that that must be a matter of faith – it certainly defies credence otherwise.
Now I have to agree with Glen Beck. In fact, if you saw his show last night, you don’t have to read any further. In fact, I don’t have to reprise here what he said – you can look it up. It’s beside my point.
My point here is that “Americans” believe rhetorical horse manure like that being purveyed by Professor Sharif. Events and circumstances what they are, you never-the-stupefying-less insist on believing that Islamic extremism really doesn’t mean what it’s doing. They’re just another point of view. They’re - well, fill in here the usual effeminate, liberal, humanist, Democratic Party claptrap. In case you can’t remember - the ideology and its product, that is - pick up a newspaper and read the latest on how the effeminate liberal society, its judges and elected officials, treat miscreants who rape, kidnap, and torture little kids.
Check out, too, the way these same effeminate liberals deal with illegal immigration by the same kind of crud pouring across the border with Mexico. Read up on their reasoning. “They just want work” – remember?
Once you’ve read up on the liberal point of view and modus operandi, think about what it means for your future – or that of you kids and grandkids. The people you trust to stand guard while you sleep dither while men die. Knowing that people intend to rape, torture, and murder us – perhaps by beheading with a knife, mind you, your would-be guardians abandon their posts to watch to party, steal from your refrigerator - and fill their pockets otherwise, besides
They then rationalize it all. It’s just another way of looking at things.
Thanks, but I’ll take vanilla. I’ll do my own defense, do my own intelligence and enemy recognition work. I’ll do my own economics, handle all that “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity” myself.
“Government,” I don’t need help. I’ve seen how you do it, and I know the women and children under my protection would probably never survive yours.
Oh, and by the way, go to hell – like the rest of the despicable bastards who with your assistance keep us all in danger.
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