A History Lesson-More of Those "Inconvenient Truths"

This will elicit the blizzard of billingsgate and bullshit otherwise that any perceived assault upon any sacred cow always does, but it’s also what I’ve been doing since I was a kid – sixty years ago. I suppose it’s because I believe most people are like Sir Winston Churchill once said of himself - always ready to learn, but not always willing to be taught. More, I’ve always thought that to take someone’s part was one thing; to teach him to take his own part was quite another.
That’s especially in the knowledge that he might one day use his lesson to compete with his one-time teacher - you.
The “cow” is the way we repair inexorably these days to politics in order to decide all things, even science, physics, and what is reality in what has become as a result a nation of legislated and litigated psychosis. I’ve already incurred the wrath of the femininazi; today, I cape the bull that is homosexuality, together with “gay” marriage and all the peculiar psychology and sociology related and resulted from it.
As it did with the historically sudden demand of society’s distaff side for “liberation,” society has decided with equally sudden and ill-considered haste to embrace the aberrant ideation and behavior that has to do with homosexuality. In a manner similar to that being demanded today by corporate interests where global warming is concerned, society has decided in the manner of schoolboys once to grab its nose and, totally uncaring, unconcerned, and oblivious to what may lie below the surface of the waters, dive in headlong.
Diagnosed with a malady of uncertain identity or effect, doctor and patient have decided to “wait and see what happens.” Thanks, but no thanks.
Now, up front, I have all but no interest in the sexual practices of adults other than myself. Like whatever others eat, drink, or live with and in, I just don’t give a damn. But nothing ever stays at that nowadays, does it? Not only is the government at every keyhole with its ear, every window with its eye, invading every inner sanctum of privacy imaginable, we are forced not only to condone, but to have our noses rubbed in, every new what-the-hell-made-them-think-of-THAT, shit-wallowing behavior conceivable by the mischievously ever-questing mind of man.
Among the rights that have somehow been relegated to secondary, even tertiary, status – the rights of normal people, in other words – we find the once sacrosanct right of free association. There was a time, for instance, when your penchant, proclivity, salve and balm for the soul need to use invective and foul-mouthed speech, was something to which I didn’t have to be subjected. You might choose to spit on the floor, even blow your nose there when and while you dine, but I didn’t have to tolerate it. No more, it seems. Watching current trends, can anyone doubt that soon convicted pedophiles and pedo-rapists may get together as a lobby and demand legislation making it illegal to discriminate against them when they apply for work as a teacher?
Their cause, after all, would require only the political construction by political means of one more new reality. “Pedophilia is natural,” it might go – “it’s been with us forever.” Just, in other words (there will be those who don’t “get my drift”) borrow the campaigning rhetoric of homosexual “America” and substitute the appropriate words
Don’t laugh: illegal aliens are already so numerous – and therefore politically powerful – that they have become a force in the “nation of laws.” So empowered, making demands under the very legal system and laws they are violating, they resemble feminism and the manner with which it availed itself of the world, society, and circumstances built by the male in order to vilify him.
In the world of politically-created reality, chutzpah has now become law.
And, as I’ve been saying, that’s not all there is to it. These are not insignificant matters, not where there implications for society and species are concerned. The social tinkering begun in the sixties with feminism and its minimalist followers represents a fearsome gamble. For example – still another – of what I mean, consider that of my car loan. No, I’m not kidding – mathematical models are powerful ones, powerful in that they are conclusive – no debate possible.
The other night, I found reason to wonder concerning the car loan lender’s statement of the account. The formula for compound interest and number of remaining payments on my now four and a half year old loan isn’t all that tough – I’ve done it literally hundreds of times on something like three dozen cars, now – but this time I kept getting a strange result. Unless it’s the taxpayer paying Halliburton for it, four hundred eighty thousand dollars still to pay on a Toyota Corolla is pretty obviously incorrect.
What the hell was I doing? Switching from the new calculator I was using to my old faithful one, I punched in the numbers some more. Still goofy. WHAT? Well, the calculator-literate probably know already: those damned parenthesis – one little punch of a button – can make a hell of a mess of even something this simple. When I realized, the resulting number was perfect - $1633.25. Five more payments.
But you don’t care about that. The point is that with any complex system or equation – like life, society, and life in society – a little, bitty, seemingly insignificant effect anywhere can have a great, bit, fatal one elsewhere. A butterfly flipping its wings in Borneo causes a hurricane in the Atlantic, so to speak - “The Butterfly Effect,” some call it.
The societal Butterfly Effective of feminism on our nation is everywhere evident nowadays. On account of that particular politically-created reality I now have to live in the same world with the kids reared in those one-parent families we heard so much about back there in the days of Helen Reddy, Gloria Steinem, and Germaine Whatever-the-Hell-Her-Name-Was. Those “single-parent family” kids are the same half-witted little animals who now roam the streets like dingo dogs, terrorize schools, teachers, and one another, and suck drugs like kids once sucked cherry soda. The ravening little lunatics who walk into schools and start shooting, rake houses with gunfire as they dive by, and beat the homeless to death with clubs and what-have-you, just for the hell of it, I mean.
“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” was a pretty stupid idea, even for the kind of morons we heard to recite the ludicrous litanies of feminism back there in the benighted sixties. We went down that darkened street, pedal to the metal and no headlights, didn’t we? But now that the crash in the form of today’s feral dog youth has come, where are all the social tinkerers - now that it’s time to own up?
So now, likewise a couple of decades into the new societal “revolution” that is homosexuality, we have “gay marriage.” People born or otherwise deformed mentally and/or emotionally are demanding their “rights.” More power to you, as far as that goes. If you want to legalize your illness or defect, thus all but insuring that society will ignore any opportunity for research – stem cells, for instance – into correcting it, fine. I don’t care.
If you want to live in a state equivalent to having a taste for tree bark, lawn grass, or camel dung or choosing to take your nourishment only by enema or needle, good for you. Wear a bone in your nose, chant inanely like a psychotic parrot, and leap up and down like a rabid rabbit when you recreate if you want to, I don’t care. You get your sexual kicks by backing up to the exhaust pipe on a car if that’s what turns you on – any of it - but for all your single-minded, self-interested and self-indulgent, civil rights activist fervor, that’s not all there is to this.
There’s also an ideal called personal responsibility. Like the U.S. Constitution in the mind of our Attorney General, it’s an old and archaic ideal, but like that “old document,” responsibility or the lack of it today has its effect – maybe the Butterfly Effect – on the future.
People like Mary Cheney, the vice-president’s daughter, may want to by-pass the usual manner of conceiving life, but that also happens to be where the rest of us have a right to draw the line. How do Mary and her – “partner,” is it? - know that the kid they want to bring up in Strangeville, state of Never-Never-Before know that the result won’t be a Frankenstein Monster?
Politics what it is, we may let the liberal side of society ACLU most of the child-molesters out into their happy hunting ground without damage to future society, but I don’t think so. There are simple and immutable laws of nature and physics to answer here, and no amount of political power and determination can change them. The Flat Earth Society folks can get themselves a lobbyist and buy legislation, or buy a judge and get law declaring the world flat and making it a crime to say or act otherwise, but the world and most of its people will still behave as though the planet they occupy is round.
You may never have thought of it, but to believe that the world flat was for centuries like putting a strait-jacket on the mind of man.
You might, parenthetically, also do well to consider the implications of the fact that the ancient Greeks not only knew the Earth to be round, but that it was moving around the sun. Eratostenes of Cyrene, 275-194 B.C., actually measured accurately the circumference of the Earth. It was religious and political correctness that for centuries kept the rest of the world in the enforced ignorance of the Dark Ages.
I mentioned the “global warming is just natural” people. Shear genius – like a guy who got the shits some time back, a little while after he starts drinking water from the new well, but he’s going to kept drinking the same water and see what happens. You can’t save people like that, but you’re a fool if you live like them.
You probably know how I see corollaries in everything, and there are several here. Time was, that a lot of things that have become matters for thought didn’t make any real difference. That was, for one thing, back there when there were less than a billion of us on the planet. There are more than eight billion now. If you really think that makes no difference, I hope you’re not in charge of anything that has to do with me.
Another of those ACLU liberties that means license has to do with race. It’s the law that we are all equal. But because the society’s law says so doesn’t mean a thing to the laws of nature. Of late, a young black woman has been appearing on the Paula Zahn show. Lauren Lake is one of the duo of black women who recently condemned a senator for saying that Barak Obama was “articulate.” “Condescending,” the women asseverated. Full of herself and what must seem to her to be the newly found power of political correctness, Ms. Lake pipes the litanies of black liberation like a canary sings its song. Her eager glee with her politically-derived prerogative fairly exudes from the television set.
She is also totally oblivious. I would, as a matter of fact, be willing to bet that she would be unable to name even twenty – make that five - of the societal forces that have brought her to political ascendancy. In fact, she couldn’t, even if she knew. She would rather swallow a toad than say aloud what is - unless you have a bag over your head or the ideological equivalent - mountainously obvious.
As I pointed out here some time ago, the contribution of just the white male to everything the United States of America is has been absolutely critical.
But so intent upon inflicting upon the nation the supposed guilt derived of the memory of slavery are people like Ms. Lake that the obvious is unspeakable. I also remarked recently that I intended to vote for Hillary Clinton. We need, I said, to settle the “issues” once and for all. I’ve decided to hope the same for black people. I hope they get everything they demand. I wish they could be put in charge tomorrow.
This isn’t, after all, like global warming. The same people who built the U.S. can probably – in theory, at least – rebuild it once the inevitable happens. Africa, as I noted, is incontrovertible the way it is because of Africans, Mexico the way it is because of Mexicans, and the U.S. today the way it is because of what we’ve become. History is also a scoreboard, and the numbers there are inexorable.
“What you are thunders so loudly, I can’t hear what you say to the contrary.”
There’s even more. My own value judgments on the subject are neutral – they have to be, because I don’t know – but it is very apparent that the human race is changing color. People of non-European descent, in other words, have a much higher birth rate than people of European descent. As is the incontrovertible fact where the nation is concerned, civilization owes by far most of its scientific knowledge and progress to the white race. Sure, we – I mean we humans – have taken some steps backward, and done some pretty stupid things, but there’s no denying that we have come a very long way with our civilization. Just as people pouring into the United States built by the white, German and Anglo-Saxon (males) peoples need to stop and think concerning whether they want to turn the nation into whatever it was that they came here to flee, the species itself needs to consider where it came from.
The farther backward you can look, you know, the farther forward you are likely to see.
It is simply a fact of history, for instance, that until the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon idea of “Menschenrechte” – human rights - equality as stated and enshrined in the Constitution of the U.S., the history of mankind was that of one man or a few conquering and enslaving as many of his fellows as possible. Slaveholders were former slaves, and vice versa. The supposed divine right of kings, tyrants, and their secular equivalents - the right of might, in other words - governed and was enshrined in religion everywhere.
Like I say, we’ve come a long way. The future of mankind and its civilization is also a genetic one. Our species may - almost certainly will – evolve into another. We need to think about, and discuss intelligently – in a manner other than that of people like Lauren Lake, I mean – what that may mean.
It may be of some comfort to everyone I seem to depreciate here that the make-up of the human race having to do with what we like to call “race” is ephemeral in terms of species ontogeny. It is a logically inescapable consequence of evolution that all of the races or the characteristics that distinguish them apparent today will change to the point that they become indistinguishable. Unfortunately - especially if we persist in the condition we’re found in at present - that probably means we will simply find other forms of “race” with which to preserve prejudice, bigotry, and all the hateful rest.
What mankind needs most urgently to consider is what the “no child left behind” form of political correctness would – will? – mean, were it to be the rule used to guide all of human progress and evolution. Do we swap Mother Nature’s “Survival of the Fittest” rule for “No One Left Behind?” Jeffersonian Democracy for African tribalism?
A corollary - one having to do with concerns more immediate than those of the evolutionary vicissitudes having to do with human genetics - has to do with economics. The world can no longer tolerate the infantile competition that is capitalism, and – like the United States - is turning toward socialism in its several forms. The process is likewise one of evolution and it is as implacably inexorable. The forces operating there are also obvious, the most obvious being the simple fact that the capitalist is running out of planet and environment to “capitalize.” What remains, of course, is people.
But people, unlike the Earth and its substance, think and emote. All capitalism, in whatever form, begins with and takes its sustenance from colonialism in some form. Something, someone is exploited. A river, and ocean, a forest or a mountain doesn’t care. It gives until it has nothing more to give. People are often like that, too, of course, but they are aware – and just as awareness has decided much of human progress, it will also provide the determinate vector where economic evolution is concerned. The choice again is between ruling and deciding our circumstances or letting them rule and decide for us.
Of course, it may be that we will do the latter, and that may mean a pause in human kind’s progress, even a retrograde movement. That’s happened before, and it may not be up to us; nevertheless, I would rather think that what happens is in spite of what we did, rather than on its account.
There are many, many more “issues” – all of them having to do with great problems facing our kind and its progeny. None, however, is more crucial in my judgment than what has happened to our one, great evolved strength as homo sapiens, that of communicative discourse. In fact, solutions to all the problems I have been discussing here inevitably depend upon it; and much of the bitterness and rancor associated with those same issues has also been exacerbated immensely by the devolution of our ability to reason and debate effectively and therefore productively. Something to which I’ve had reference here before, the utterly appalling state of our societal forensics and logic processes now leads us from one inextricable mess to another. I can’t help saying “Iraq.” It’s the archetype.
As an aside, I might add that I find the subject to be one particularly galling. It’s one thing to be a victim of circumstance, it’s another to be one out of shear stupidity. It’s even worse when you saw it all coming, couldn’t convince your peers to get out of the way, and now have to pay the price with them. It’s the reason I write these essays.
The subject of the public’s crippled discourse, its root causes, and the like are to voluminous for this essay, so I’ll continue it at a later time. For now, I’ll just make the observation that many of the issues whose debate have us at a historical standstill, in a kind of political paralysis by asinine over-analysis and in real danger of serious retrograde movement societally and nationally, could be assuaged, even cured, by a real effort to “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.”
It might, moreover, mean “ask not what you can do for your race.” Or “for your gender,” “your religion,” or whatever.
And it may even be that what you’re sacrificing for is “your species.” Or “your planet.”
Of course, that was John Kennedy. I also paraphrase the indomitably lucid Sir Winston Churchill: If you will not do what is right when you can do it with comparatively little effort, if you will not try when your success is likely and not very expensive, you may come to the moment when you have to try with all the odds against you and only a small chance of success. There may be even a worse case: you may have to try when there is no hope of success, because it is better to die than live with the result of your refusal to act.
You know, you see, even if you think about it only a little, that it’s going to come to that eventually. That’s the lesson of history.
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