"Old Jody" - 2,007 and Operation Iraqi Freedom Version

The little guy here, for those too young to remember, is Henery the Chickenhawk. Little Henery always bit off more than he could chew (but, at least, he DID try).
Abraham Lincoln once said that whenever he heard anyone arguing for slavery, he had a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. I feel that way about all the wannabee warriors of the media, the guys clamoring for more in Iraq and sneering at anyone who wants to “Cut and Run.” Is that unbelievable?
Just so you know, here’s a partial list of the “did not serve” tigers:
Sean ("The Great American") Hannity
George Will
Chris Matthews
Bill O'Reilly (hid in England, from what I gather)
Paul Gigot
Bill Bennett
Pat Buchanan
Rush Limbaugh (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst' on his ass!)
Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner)
Pat Robertson
Michael Medved
Glen Beck
Britt Hume
While I feel nothing but shame concerning the fact that our nation now stoops so low as to send women into combat (even Hitler didn’t do that), another of the notable “chickenhawks” is hatemonger Ann Coulter. Like her cohort here, she loves to see others sent to their maiming or deaths. I can’t help wishing I could see what they so much desire for anyone but themselves visited upon them.
Sean Hannity, though, takes the cake. Recently, he went after former Vice President Al Gore for the latter's supposed failure to live without fossil fuel derived energy, asseverating that Mr. Gore should do what he was “demanding” others to do.
How’s that for oblivious? When do you leave for Iraq or Afghanistan, Mr. Hannity? This morning and for a couple mornings before, I’ve listened to others like “The Great American” lambaste the British Sailors and Marines taken prisoner by the Iranian Navy. Several of these heroes - including New York Post columnist Ralph Peters, National Review Online contributor John Derbyshire, CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck, and syndicated radio host Michael Savage – sneered and smeared the captive women and men.
Savage, whose real name is – get this – Weiner (pronounce it “weaner” or whiner, I don’t care – it’ll fit) , had this to say: “I don't think these people need a Bible. They probably need a condom. By the look of the British sailors, they look like they took them off the back streets of Liverpool. I don't think these people need a Bible. They're lucky they found a job in the navy. I mean, I don't know. You take a look at them -- no wonder they were captured. I don't think they even know they were on a boat.”
Another of the Rambo types said the Brits “wimped out in a matter of days,” and called them “wankers.” Derbyshire “deplored” “. . . the cowardice of the British sailors and marines kidnapped by Iran." Well, I’ll be damned - I don’t really know what to say. This just about tops anything I’ve ever heard.
“Wanker,” parenthetically, is in British slang, “a detestable person, one who masturbates.” Suffice it to say that the expression seems to fit media commandos like "Savage," Beck, Hannity, and the rest far better than it does their targets. “Cowardice?” That one I don’t have to define. "Cowardice?" - from metrosexual “downtowners” and REMFs the likes of these? Jesus! Time was, that the only problem the soldier in some far-off combat zone had with “Jody” – that's the 4F, draft-deferred Dick Cheney type who’d figured out how to stay at home while you took the heat for your country - was the fear of what he was doing with you wife or girl friend. You might get that “Dear John” letter.
Now it’s this: "Jody" has become the posturing SOB who has figured out not only a way to make himself sound like a hero, he’s got the f------ balls to call real men cowards. Damn! @#$%&$#@!
At any rate, there you have it, girls – the “sensitive” males your feminist sisters back in the sixties so idealized. I quoted John Stuart Mill yesterday: it seems apropos to do it again here:
“A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish.”
With first William Jefferson Clinton, then George Walker Bush, you raised your "metrosexual" male to the office of Commander and Chief of real men. That, probably – in my mind, at least – was the ultimate spit in the face, the outrage to which author Susan Faludi’s “betrayal of the American male” referred. Well, girls, any day now – when the fossil fuel energy runs out and mankind’s societies take a one hundred year back step; when one of those illegal aliens about whom you are so compassionate has you spread-eagled on a dumpster and help must come from another of your “sensitive” wannabe Rambo types – you’ll be reminded of that quote from J.S. Mill.
My grandfather had an expression now that I think of it, the perfect description for your “metrosexual” male. “He wouldn’t,” Grampa said, “make a pimple on a real man’s ass.”
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